I must admit, I didn’t like Evernote when I first downloaded it. But so many people were raving about it, I thought I would need to learn how to use it properly. After much reading and searching the internet, I use it in my daily life. I realized early on that I had not setup

Leaders are in the business of change. Every good leader constantly re-aims the arrow to the dead center of the target. It is not always large changes, but it is intentional, well-planned tweaks and fixes that shape the way they move forward. But then there are times a leader needs to completely restructure.

Matt Perman has done something incredible in his book What’s Best Next. He redeems much of the “productivity” literature there is in the world. He makes small tweaks to Peter Druker and David Allen, in order to place our thoughts in the right place. “We center our lives on God, not just principles.”

You have officially started your blogging career. You have your site setup, got a catchy name and some thoughts that the world needs to hear. Wonderful! And then reality hits. Blogging is a new world with lots to learn; there are mistakes around every corner. I have seen all types of blogs, and I regularly

The notion that we must obey God in order to be accepted by him results in less moral action, not more, because it results in less love for God. Conversely, realizing that we are wholly and completely, accepted by God apart from our works through faith in Christ results in massive and radical action for