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  • Review: What’s Best Next by Matt Perman
August 10, 2015

Matt Perman has done something incredible in his book What’s Best Next. He redeems much of the “productivity” literature there is in the world. He makes small tweaks to Peter Druker and David Allen, in order to place our thoughts in the right place. “We center our lives on God, not just principles.” 

He gives three major reasons for this claim (p. 54-55).

  1. God is foundational to true principles
  2. God ultimately define what the right things are to get done
  3. God is “what matters most”

Therefore, as a Christian, our greatest next step is to honor God with all that we do. This is what matters most. Out of the overflow of loving God, we can turn around and love those around us.

The “What’s Best Next” Principle

Perman tells the reader, that the core principle of productivity is this question: what’s best next? [1]  To figure out what’s best next you have to both discernment and discipline. You will be able to answer this question well if you do these two things:

  1. Know what is truly most important in life at the highest levels
  2. Your character and mind are rightly informed by the Scriptures.

This means that you don’t know what’s best next simply by considering your immediate circumstances; you can know it only by also understanding why you are on the planet at all and what God has specifically called you to do. (p. 140)

The principle is simple. One, know is most important. Two, know the scriptures. Three, align everything you do with points one and two.

Four Areas of Productivity

Perman, after giving the foundations for doing the best thing next, gives four areas of thinking about productivity (D.A.R.E.). Each of these four areas are compiled into sections of his book.

  1. Define: know your mission, vision, and roles.
  2. Architect: weave these thing into your life through a flexible schedule
  3. Reduce: get rid of the things that don’t fit.
  4. Execute: make things happen every day.

He spends large portions of his book breaking down each of these areas practically and biblically. Thus showing how your mission and vision push one towards a satisfied life.

You are satisfied with your day when there is a match between what you value and how you spent your time. (p. 52)

My One Complaint

Perman has spent a huge amount of time thinking, reading and researching on the topic of productivity and the gospel. I am grateful for the amount of work that he has done on the topic. With this said, the book is filled to the brim with this information, meaning, the book is really long.

On the one hand, I am thankful for the amount of content in the book. On the other, I am worried whenever I recommend it that the size would scare them away. Hopefully, this is not a deterrent after my raving review.

Also, it sounds like he is trying to write a smaller, more accessible book and video resources.

Final Charge

If you are a Christian, and you want to think biblically about productivity, you need to read this book. I have read a ton on the topic of productivity. Perman’s book clarifies much of what I read, brining it all into the light of the gospel. For this, I am extremely grateful.

What books have you found helpful on the topic of productivity?

[1] See Chapter 3 on “Why we need to be God-centered in our productivity”

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