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  • What Grandma Taught Me About Thank You Notes
April 14, 2022

It was Christmas Day and presents abounded. After the wrapping paper covered the entire floor, we were sitting around the house playing with our new toys, and Grandma would remind us that we needed to write our thank you notes. As a kid, I desired to play with the toys, why did I have to write a thank you note? Grandma always told me that I should write a thank you note for gifts we received. I would always secretly roll my eyes.

After growing up, I realized that there is something extremely encouraging about receiving a handwritten thank you note. That’s right, HANDWRITTEN. In the age of technology, it is easy to shoot over a quick “thanks” text, however, there is something special about receiving a handwritten note. It shows that a person has taken time to express their feelings towards you and the gift that you have given.

Here are some notes on what elements should be added to your thank you notes:

1. Say “Thank You” Specifically

When writing a note, you must write about what they gave you. Specifically. Everyone has received a “thanks for your gift” or “thanks for helping me” type of note. Those are nice, but it is better to write a specific thank you. It shows that you took time to notice what they have given you.

“Thank you for bringing us a meal while I was sick.”
“Thank you for the new set of headphones.”

2. Express How You are Using the Gift

The giver wants you to know that you are using the item they gave you. Give them some ideas of how you are using the gift, which makes them feel good that you are using the item.

“We are using the new stroller every day. We like to take walks around the park and the baby loves it!”

3. Talk about your continuing relationship

Often we say thanks for the gift, without reminding them it is about more than the gift. It is about your ongoing relationship with them. They care about you, so they decided to give you a gift. Now show them you care not only about the gift, but the relationship.

“Your gift expresses your love for me, which means more than any gift you could give me.”
“I can’t wait to spend more birthdays together.”

4. Thank Again and Conclude

A kind final thank you will do to wrap up the card. It can be simple, but make it count.

“Thanks again for the shoes, you are truly my best friend.”

Long or Short Thank You Notes

Depending on the person you are writing, you may have more or less to say. You could take these four steps and use them in a longer paragraph or write each step in one sentence. Either way, press on and write more thank you notes!

Also, check out The Art of the Handwritten Note to increase your thank you note skills.